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Real Patient Experiences That Reflect Our Trusted and Compassionate Care
A vision to make the world audible and communicable for everyone, Sreejith started Sravana audiology and speech therapy clinic in the year 2008
Born with cleft lip and palate in an impoverished background, it was his struggle in communication and maltreatment by experts while growing up that pushed Sreejith to the dream of opening a place that would be a catalyst in helping people to communicate.
Sravana Speech and Audiology Clinic was born from a man’s vision to make the world a free space to communicate, in 15 years, Sreejith opened many clinics making Sravana one of the largest chain of Speech and Audiology clinics in South India.
And again, Sravana is just getting started, we plan on making our impact on the larger pedestal, to a global community.